• “…To better understand the explosive that Pope Francis launched against the Latin Mass with last month’s Traditionis Custodes, it helps to tell a story about the pope’s good friend, the late Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor…”

  • “Forty-four years before he successfully led the crusade to elect Pope Francis, then-Fr. Cormac Murphy-O’Connor—a future member of the St. Gallen mafia—attended a 1969 synod under Pope Paul VI…”

  • “On March 3, 2013, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor—an alumnus of the St. Gallen mafia—met with then-Cardinal Bergoglio over risotto and wine…”

  • “Before his death in 2012, Cardinal Carlo Martini eerily called himself an ‘ante-pope,’ a ‘precursor and preparer for the Holy Father…’”